Also, the airport is on federal land and therefore not subject to the NV gaming commission, which surprisingly has stricter laws about favorable odds than the feds. You are less likely to win in the airport than a Vegas casino because the laws say so. Obviously, Ry is a good luck charm and should be taken on all future gambling trips no matter what.

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I listened to this on a flight to Houston instead of reading it. Usually I'm a big fan of the narrator reading me things, but I hated it. Maybe it's because I know your voice and hear it when I read your newsletters. Not sure, but I got through 50% and had to stop and go back and read it so I could hear your voice in my head.

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Maybe I need to read it?

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Now you're talking

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I like a bit of irony so in my two trips to Vegas I didn’t gamble a quarter. It honestly looks sad when you walk through the casinos. I don’t remember the airport being that bad but I was there either very late or very early. You could never get out of sight of a slot machine though.

I watched a documentary about homelessness in Japan and there it’s often assumed the homeless have gambled their way there whereas in Canada and the US it’s often assumed it’s substance abuse and/or mental health issues that got them there. We may be adding another level to our problems.

Sports betting has really gotten into everything. I’m a big Supercross and Motocross fan. It went from fantasy leagues within the industry with prizes to dedicated gambling companies betting with cash on every race.

Finally just listened to an Alex Honald podcast and they said you know your sport has made it when you can gamble on it. Professional climbing hasn’t quite made it yet. Careful what you wish for.

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Football squares-the weekly if so and so doesn’t do such and such I’ll win $250.00. 😐

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